A decade of high quality work in the area of virtual pharmacy services yields many rewards. The most valuable of all are the appreciation of our customers and their positive experiences. WPS strives to exceed the expectations of its clients through genuine dedication to beneficial outcomes. Below, please find a few examples that illustrate what our customers know about our commitment to fulfilling their needs.
In General:

“Excellent and dependable work and services. High caliber dependability.” and “…Highly recommended vendor worthy of additional contract award.”

“We have no problems with your performance and we are pleased with your services.”
“Your company’s services are greatly appreciated as well as the (virtual) pharmacists who provide the help.”
“Everyone is doing great! Thank you for your services to the VA.”

“Thank you for everything through the years. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and your pharmacists. You have a great group of people and provide a much needed service.”

“We are pleased with the results” and “it is a big help for us because I can schedule our pharmacists to perform and support other clinical responsibilities. It is working well for the patients and the staffs.”

“They are doing a very good job, and I like their frequent feedback with any questions. Early AM, orders verified, no accumulation from the previous night, NF med not verified…good job!”

“[WPS’s] management protocol and quality assurance protocol are remarkable. Our (and Wong’s) pharmacists are doing a good job with these. Thanks for the excellent work!”
On Getting Started with WPS:

“I speak for all of us when I say the quality of work from Wong Pharmacy Service is fantastic. You make us look great!”

“Your service and performance are to be commended!”

“Overall everyone (pharmacy staff and nurse managers) is pleased with the service provided. We feel the implementation went extremely well.” She also stated, “I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about the Virtual Pharmacy. It works great for us.”

“If all our vendors could deliver service at the level of quality seen by WPS, life for our Veterans would measurably improve.”